Sunday, January 11, 2009


hey hey hey....look what we've got..

yep..yep..two tix for diz year most gratest show(hope so)..butterfingers transcendence 10-year anniversary rock out..yeah..lets rock n roll bebeh!

its gonna be a 50-50 treatment..u'd be in and never outdoor..u'd be king long lost forgotten..
(alamak..blum stat show lg sudah mau nyanyi..huhu..ku teruja)


Eqa said...

nk ikot ko wei..
lame gile ko x o9 ym..
alamak .bile nk lawan pool neh..

kzklub said...

hak3..beli le tiket..huhu..
ak practical weyh..x dapek le nk on9 nih..heheh

t o m e y said...

nk jgk....

kzklub said...

ni sorang lagik..klu cam2 korg dua bli tiket..kite wat rombongan cik kiah ke gig butterfingers..heheh