Wednesday, January 21, 2009

God's clue

This is very interesting. A friend sent this to me. It's been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, made animals and fish... all before making a human. He made and provided what we'd need before we were born. These are best & more powerful when eaten raw. We're such slow learners... God left us great clues as to what foods help what part of our body!God's Pharmacy! Amazing!

A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye... and YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.

A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All o f the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.

Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.

Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods.

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.
Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.
Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.
Onions look like the body's cells. Today's research shows onions h elp clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic, also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

practical adalah sgt SERONAK

hoh!..practical adalah sgt seronak okeh..why???

sbb ku dpt pake mcm geek-golo..hehe

ni hah!..mst pake multi-axis ni..

paling penting dpt main golf..HAHAHA!
fire in the hole(ttibe jer)
pape pn guys, enjoy ur life while u can..bak kate your life..ehh..ehh..ehhh...
ku sgt seronak

Thursday, January 15, 2009


nothing much interesting happen lately juz another boring+tiring week wif diz intra stuff..sigh..

ahh..2day..i juz wanna share wif u guys diz un-kewl stuff that i catch on one of my fren's blog. this is soooooo me(sumtimes)...hehe..

--it's a research done by Dato' Dr. Fadzillah Kamsah about relations between people's attitude and their birth date(doubt this is true..juz for fun k) to him.--

JULAI(yep..i was born in July)
-Sangat suka didamping.
-Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti terutamanya lelaki. (fer real)
-Agak pendiam kecuali dirangsang.
-Ada harga dan maruah diri. (RM9.99..^_^)
-Tak suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan. (way to go July-an)
-Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus.
-Sangat menjaga hati orang lain.
-Sangat peramah.
-Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya. (damn!!)
-Berjiwa sentimental. (damn power of two)
-Jarang berdendam.
-Mudah memaafkan tapi sukar melupakan.
-Tidak suka benda remeh-temeh.
-Membimbing cara fizikal dan mental. (so kewl eh??)
-Sangat peka, mengambil berat dan mengasihi serta penyayang.
-Layanan yang serupa terhadap semua orang.
-Tinggi daya simpati.
-Pemerhatian yang tajam.
-Suka menilai orang lain melalui pemerhatian. ( Kz..dun judge d book by its cover k)
-Mudah dan rajin belajar.
-Suka muhasabah diri. (how bout muhasarawak diri??haha)
-Suka mengenangkan peristiwa atau kawan lama.
-Suka mendiamkan diri. (such a loner..huhu)
-Suka duduk di rumah.
-Suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan.
-Tidak agresif kecuali terpaksa.
-Lemah dari segi kesihatan perut. (~~kuterima semua ini~~)
-Mudah gemuk kalau tak kawal diet. (what the heck??!!)
-Minta disayangi. (come on man..fer real??!!!)
-Mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih.
-Terlalu mengambil berat.
-Rajin dalam membuat kerja. (i really doubt diz)

hehe..diz is juz for fun ok..not all july-an are like this..mayb juz some of em..owhh..Dr. Fadzillah forgot to mention one more thing... "Sangat kewl" ...aren't we July-an..heheh

okeh peace chow

Sunday, January 11, 2009


hey hey hey....look what we've got..

yep..yep..two tix for diz year most gratest show(hope so)..butterfingers transcendence 10-year anniversary rock out..yeah..lets rock n roll bebeh!

its gonna be a 50-50 treatment..u'd be in and never outdoor..u'd be king long lost forgotten..
(alamak..blum stat show lg sudah mau nyanyi..huhu..ku teruja)

Friday, January 2, 2009

soalan untuk seseorg..

(aku tau title post ni cam hampeh skit..hehe)
meh kte interview incik Kz ni skit..

ape yg tak besnye 2008?
  • assignment bertimbun..sgt byk okeh..
  • x dpt skor subjek febret..(2 la maen2 je tau)
  • asik sakit paler..huhu..
  • pc lame jahanam abis..tpakse bli pc bru..kopak2..
  • duit jln mcm air..hak3..tarak hal..bleh cr kn kn..
  • byk BENCANA x kire global ke mesia kite ni ke...sgt sedih pd mangsa keadaan..
  • eh..xbyk r yg xbesnye 2008 ni..sume pn yg bese2 je kn..

ape yg besnye 2008?
  • hoho..ak byk bcuti bsama2 uniKL..enjoy..dpt geng2 bru..
  • yay!..dpt gak wat blog..(ni pn nk bgtau gak)
  • bjaye mnambah berat bdn..hehe..mmg ewah2 la..
  • kwn siber makin rame..
  • dpt pc bru yg sgt kewl..wa cakap sama lu..
  • pointer naik slow2..besh2..kayuh pelan2..(thanx GOD)
  • kuat sgt bes..huhu..
  • gumbira rse mcm ngah terbang...hehe..(mls nk citer detail psl ni)
  • ending 2008 adalah terbaek...

2009 camne?
  • permulaan yg baek..ku melangkah SETAPAK kehadapan..cewahh..(detail??nnt2 ler)
  • akn practical nnt..(xtau excited ke glabah skang ni..blur2)
  • bru 2 hari..x byk nk ckp..pape pun ku mengharapkn tahun ni lebih baik dr tahun lepas..x gitu??
ucapan untuk kengkawan-"meh ler kite bersama2 menjadikan 2009 ni tahun yg bes and memorable gitu.."