sbnrnye arini x nk post pape kne mnde alah ni plak..adeih..huhu..lynkn ajer..zasss...(bunyi mesin potong rumput)
What is the relationship of you and her?
mak..haha..buleh ke? the meantime still kwn ag..nnt tatau ler camne..
Your 5 impressions towards her.(xde soklan len ke nk tnye..)
1. Interesting
2. Knowledgeable
3. Suke mkn supplement..ahaha..kidding
4. Sgt baek..
5. Comey gitu..
The most memorable things she had done for you
emm..revealing me the secrets dat lies beyond the agenda of the world politic...cewahh..xde2..sggup menyusahkn diri sndri utk ak la..hehe..
The most memorable things she have said to you
“lepak ngan ko bes”
If she becomes your enemy , you will...
hope not..try bebaik la ngan dia spy x jd enemy..hehe..(rugi x kwn ngan org camni)
If she becomes your enemy , the reason is...
segala yg baik dtg dr Allah dan segala yg buruk dtg dr sy sndri..cewahh..x ke poyo tu??huhu
The most desirable thing to do on her is...
confession...hak3...emm..xde2..tulon-menulon ktika dlm kesusahan..ewah2 kn..
The overall impression of her ?
How do you think the people around you will feel about you ?
seorg yg ok jer(itu tidak lupa)
The character of you for yourself is...
badak..bukan2..slamber badak sbnrnye..i mean rilex2 gitu..
The character you hate of yourself is...
ske melengahkn mase..ahaha...still ngah improve lg..slow2 bebeh..
The most ideal person that you want to be is...
me..hehe..xnk ah jd org len..x gitu..
For the people who care about and like you , say something about them
thanx and i really appreciated dat..tankiu veri2 much..
* i want tag to hoho..ok2 tuka2..
Sume yg ade dlm blog list kawe..ahaha..amik korg..
4 comments: la ko neh..
aku da kne tag okeh..x kan buat lagi..hahaha..
hak3...saje bg ko can wat keje 2 kali..hehe
aduh...soalan memang tak best utk dijawab
ngehehe..gwe mmg suke menyusahkn org rame..lalala...
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